Mine goes to 11…..

The following is just an observation, if it offends you…..that’s your problem.

When growing up you learn how to talk when you are in different places.  You don’t scream at the library, you don’t talk loud at a wake and you don’t call your grandmother a bastard when she beats you in UNO. And yes, those are all from experience.  So as a people watcher well versed in the appropriate public speech volume, I am greatly amused when riding the train.

What I have found in the past short weeks is that the volume changes with every ethnicity.  This is just a generalization, I’m not stereotyping or labeling….just observing. So at the lowest decibel level we find the Caucasians….generally.  Usually there is that one obnoxious woman who can’t wait to tell someone on the other end of a cell phone (and everyone on the train) about her foot problems and her vacation.  But mostly we whisper to each other like we are sharing secrets.  Next comes African Americans and young Asians (30 and under), the older parts come later.  They talk in normal levels with some highs and some lows, kind of like a tide.  Next, we find Hispanics.  They talk louder as if trying to get some point across yet in a very familiar tone, usually on the phone.  Finally we reach the older Asians.  They don’t give a hoot about how loud they talk or who is around them, they speak to the person next to me at the level you usually use at a rock concert.

I can promise you there is no scientific basis behind my observations.  Nada. None.  It’s more fun that way.  My results will never be seen by the any eyes other than those of the  loyal readers of this blog.  But you ride the train for a little bit and tell me I’m wrong.

P.S. The title, if you don’t know refers to this.

2 thoughts on “Mine goes to 11…..

  1. Jamie says:

    Are you working? Or just riding the train because you have nothing else to do? This is at least the second entry about the train. You crack me up.
    PS. We should get together.

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